We undertook the vital task of counselling parents on the importance of enrolling their children in English medium schools to enhance their future prospects and uplift them from their current disadvantaged status. However, we encountered a daunting challenge: the neighborhood schools were either financially beyond reach for many families or failed to meet the standards of quality education.

Driven by a commitment to support parents from economically marginalized backgrounds, particularly those residing in remote areas of Guwahati (Assam) with limited financial means, we initiated the JH Scholar’s Academy-Little Pearls School under the auspices of Scholar’s Society in 2013. Beginning with just three students in a leased facility in Guwahati, we have since expanded to accommodate 180 students from nursery to 9th grade/standard.

Highlighting the benefits of investment in English-medium education.

Guiding underprivileged families to send their children to school.

Providing affordable education and instilling values.

Developing healthy scientific minds.

Offering opportunities to explore beyond their immediate environment.

Value Additions:

To address parents’ concerns about the costs of modern education, the school has implemented parent-friendly policies.

Low fee structure.

Annual academic scholarships

Merit scholarship up to ₹ 2000.00 to TOP-2 students per class every year

Quality academic and non-academic activities.

Provision of school supplies.

Medical health camps.

Social connectivity.

A 5-year sponsorship program for one child per year.

Competitive ecosystem through inter-school science and social exhibitions, and intra-school competitions.