My journey from working in Corporate to an entrepreneur was an overnight decision that was fueled by a passionate dream to do something of my own and to connect to others independently.
My first baby step towards entrepreneurship was a giant decision to take over a franchisee of Computer Accountancy Training Institute @ Guwahati, Assam which was on the verge of closing down. With no such huge financial back-up but strong support from my parents and spouse, I took the challenge by putting my best foot forward- i.e. my ability to convince people and determination to roll the startup.
Thus, I started creating my own niche as an entrepreneur. But, the yearning for an independent medium of operation and my dream pushed me to move forward.
This brings forth my start-up under Scholar’s Society, a not for profit-making organization that has the single-minded mission of providing accessible quality education. Through this medium I tried to nurture a healthy, inquisitive scientific mind, to see and explore the world crossing beyond the boundaries of worldly constraints.
Scholar’s Society mainly focuses on various marginalized sections of the society to overcome their barriers and financial constraints. The humble beginning of this mission started with the activities in the suburb of Guwahati city.
The dreams of lower-middle-class families to provide quality education in an English medium school always sometimes become hard to achieve.

Aligning to this dream, I offered quality education with affordable fees along with my father, who is a Retd. Education Officer, I started my initiative by the opening of an elementary school by the name-Little Pearls School, on 25th August,’2013, under the banner of JH Scholar’s Academy. The school got started with very limited resources, but with excellent teachers.
Keeping the vision in mind of providing accessible education to all, Little Pearls School is now imparting education to 181 students. We have worked over the years with lots of hurdles to achieve our vision. At the same time, we have received an abundance of support from the surrounding people, and appreciation from a few organizations as the Best Emerging and as Standalone school.
With the growing strength, new infrastructure needs have come up to strengthen the quality. Little Pearls School, is trying to fulfil and achieve what it aims.
We are aiming to contribute towards a brighter future for these brilliant but marginalized students by catering to their higher education needs every year in order to curtail the fear of parents of not being able to afford for higher classes.
This will surely need a huge effort and determination, which I am ready to endure.
………………the journey continues unfolding different challenges.

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